ISC2024 Full Schedule of Workshops

Friday | Saturday | Sunday

Friday, April 26, 2024

Session 1 from 8:45-9:30 AM

Rachel King Flying Solo as Mrs. Claus

Join us for a live solo performance as the kickoff to discussing and planning for Solo Mrs. Claus. We’ll look at how to create a solo program, developing your character and separate identity. Not just for Mrs. Claus or the women, this is applicable to all of us. Learn to create confidence and stage presence. We’ll talk about resources and tools to develop your show, roles and responsibilities of the independent performer, plus equality in pay and performance expectations. Costuming for Events: Clothing Matters. Finally, create shows for small and large events and managing audiences.

Room A 1A

Mitch Allen Ho-Ho-How to Market Your Santa Business

Mitch Allen, Head Elf at Hire Santa, will introduce his innovative concept of “using your beard,” a metaphor that encapsulates the principle of consistent marketing. He will guide you through the landscape of staffing agencies, from local and regional agencies that can help you secure gigs in your immediate area, to national staffing companies. Attendees will leave with a clear set of actionable strategies to improve your marketing efforts, navigate the world of staffing agencies confidently, and make the most of your professional network.

Room B 1B

Howie Bristow – The Essential Santa

From first-time Santa to seasoned performers: The things you never thought to ask, things you never want to overlook, and always remember to have fun.

Room C 1C

Session 2 from 9:45-10:30 AM

Rachel King Working with Photographers and Creating that Photo Magic Together

A behind-the-scenes insight to understanding how photo sessions and sets work. What’s expected of a Claus on sets? How sessions, sets, and audiences are designed and conducted; Understanding your audiences; Do’s and Don’ts live on set; Legal issues; Developing marketing packages, and many more details.

Room A 2A

Derek Dugan What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 1)

Think a business card is enough? Are you looking for guidance on how to market your performer’s persona and brand? In this workshop, we will provide you with practical examples and strategies that can help professionals and novices alike to prospect, grow, and retain clients. This is an inclusive working space that caters to performers of all levels of expertise. Our aim is to help you bring the Jolly! (The workshop runs for two hours with a 15-minute break.)

Room B 2B

Tim Connaghan What the Future Holds for You

Description forthcoming

Room C 2C

Session 3 from 10:45-11:30 AM

Pamela McColl The Enduring Magic of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”

This workshop provides an overview of the life and times of Washington Irving and Clement Clarke Moore, plus a journey through the publication of thousands of editions the 200-year history of the iconic poem, from her book “Twas The Night: The Art and History of the Classic Christmas Poem.” She will cover the many fine artists who came to either illustrate the work or who used the poem’s imagery as inspiration for works of art or commercial illustration. You’ll also get to see vintage and rare collection of editions of the poem dating from the 1840s to the modern day.

Room A 3A

Derek Dugan What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 2)

(Continued) Think a business card is enough? Are you looking for guidance on how to market your performer’s persona and brand? In this workshop, we will provide you with practical examples and strategies that can help professionals and novices alike to prospect, grow, and retain clients. This is an inclusive working space that caters to performers of all levels of expertise. Our aim is to help you bring the Jolly! (The workshop runs for two hours with a 15-minute break.)

Room B 3B

Carl Immediato (Santa Carlucci) and Jenny Lynn Claus
The Carlucci Way: A New Approach to Learning for Santa and
Mrs. Claus Couples

Come converse and view demonstrations of our unique couples-only online training called The Carlucci Way. Santa Carlucci, Hall of Fame 2017, and Jenny Lynn are an award winning couple with 30+ years of experience and can help you step up your performance.

Room C 3C

LUNCH from 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM
Break from 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM

Session 4 from 1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Robert (True) Seutter – The Future of the Claus-Verse

Where is our artform headed and how can we guide it? We have a unique legacy in our artform, yet many of the things we were concerned about only a few decades ago have changed. What challenges do we face today? Your last gig can be on the internet before you get back to your car. How will malls survive against Amazon Prime? New technology, social media platforms, and AI are going to change the game as we know it.

Room A 4A

Megan Price The Santa Clause: What to Include in Your Booking Agreements

Description forthcoming

Room B 4B

Alice Fasig American Sign Language (ASL): Practice Use for Santa and Mrs. Claus

An introduction to ASL and interacting with deaf or hard of hearing children and adults for Christmas Performers. Alice Fasig is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) and grew up using ASL (American Sign Language) as naturally as English. She holds national CI (Certificate of Interpretation) and CT (Certificate of Transliteration) certifications from RID (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf). She’s worked for more than 25 years as an Educational Interpreter (all ages), taught beginning ASL classes (college level and at the local Deaf Services Center). And she’s been involved with the Santa community for the last 18 years.

Room C 4C

Session 5 from 2:30 PM-3:15 PM

Michael Howe and Michael Beurer (The Kringle Brothers)
Creating Magical Moments Using Technology

We will explore using different types of technology to create memories that reach past our everyday environments. We will share our best practices for Virtual Visits (corporate and personal) and providential visits. We’ll give a very practical setup (hardware, applications, environment options) of our demo technology used for a Santa visit and share advantages for embracing technology.

Room A 5A

Amanda Spalding – Recapturing Joy

Room B 5B

Larry Jefferson How Does Santa Claus Prepare For His TV Interview

Learn how to develop your backstory, work with TV Producers, and answer questions from the News Anchor. Larry Jefferson has been portraying Santa for 25 years, including at the Mall of America and Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago, IL. He averages 6-8 radio and TV stations each year.

Room C 5C

Session 6 from 3:30 PM-4:15 PM

Ronnie King Understanding the Modern DBS (Designer Bearded Santa)

Someone may choose to be a Designer Bearded Santa (DBS) because of work, health, genetics, or bleaching disasters. What are the advantages of being a DBS? We’ll address tips for transition from real beard to DBS, understanding beard types and styles available, and methods for applying and wearing a beard. What about having a Designer Beard as a back-up option? Find the look that is right for you.

Room A 6A

Bryan Miller Setting Up a Virtual Workshop

Everything you will need to set up a Virtual Santa Workshop: Computer needs, both hardware and software. Webcams, built-in or external. Internet connectivity. What kind of lighting works well and how to improve the effect with lighting placement. Blue Screen? Green Screen? Printed backdrop? Real workshop? What works best and how to set it up. Finding a Virtual Workshop background. Software needs: We will discuss using OBS, Zoom, and other streaming services.

Room B 6B

Julia Kracke How to Stay Cool in Your Costume: The Effect of Heat on our Portrayal

Knowing how to keep cool in more ways than one is essential. We’ve got expert tips for before, during, and after your events to help you stay cool and keep the good times rolling without any issues. We’ll cover: Feeling the heat: the scoop on overheating and how it affects everyone; The coolest trends in cooling vests and how to pick your perfect match; and How to make a Cooling Plan to improve your performance and decrease your fatigue.

Room C 6C

Session 7 from 4:30 PM-5:15 PM

Ronnie King and Rachel King
The Duo-Solo Performance and Knowing What Your Client Wants

This workshop is designed to provide Christmas Performers with concepts and ideas for conducting team-style events, from short home visits to large scale public events. Learn to discuss the wants and needs of your client so you can provide a “menu of activities” to tailor and shape your team for their event. Help your client understand your skill set and talents to expand their vision. Practice to present planned and improvisational activities, the important entrance and exit, and a full event flow. Dial your performance from small to large crowds.

Room A

Joel Lagrone More Than Music: “Til the Season Comes Round Again,” Using Music in Your Visits

Utilizing music/drama as the basis for any Christmas Performer opens up so many avenues to traverse within the sphere of the traditional holiday celebration. Having a full “quiver of arrows” at the performers disposal allows for quick improvisation and inclusion of these elements will engage, surprise, enhance, and delight children of all ages. The presentation will include many examples of techniques and styles that strengthen performance skills, and the implementation of “shows” (including how to plan, develop, construct, and produce), plus ways to be creative all year.

Room B

IBRBS Board Meet your IBRBS Board and Ask Them Your Questions

Room C

Break – 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM
Banquet – 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

International Santa Claus of Fame Inductions, 2019-2023 from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Session 8 from 8:45-9:30 AM

Pamela McColl Santa and The Pipe

This workshop will discuss the international firestorm that took place when a publisher edited (not censored) the pipe out of the famous poem, “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” We’ll look at the image of Santa Claus in the 21st century as a smoke-free character, as well as other issues such as secular versus religious iconography, including the ruling of the United States Supreme Court on the issue of the Establishment Clause as it pertains to Santa Claus.

Room A 8A

Mitch Allen Creating and Delivering Great Home Visits

This high-energy workshop will give you a “run of show” of a home visit. Mitch Allen will show you exactly what he does and how to become a Christmas tradition for the families you visit. Learn about fun and entertaining activities you can incorporate immediately. Whether you are a seasoned pro at home visits or have never done one, this presentation will give you the confidence and tools to improve your home visits.

Room B 8B

Tim Connaghan Making the Moment

Whether you are working independently or contracted for major events and activities, this is where you begin making changes. Make your visit personal to all who are there, from physical energy to characteristics to movement. Then we’ll look at advanced photo techniques to go beyond the average poses, make use of creative poses with children, babies, families, and groups, and employ special techniques for photos with seniors, groups, and those with limited physical capabilities. Consider what the camera sees and how to connect with those on the other side of the lens. Improve personal videos, selfies, casual photos, and Facetime with the “Yeah” technique.

Room C 8C

Session 9 from 9:45-10:30 AM

Robert (True) Seutter Storytelling: The Secret Ingredient

Christmas exists because of Stories. In this workshop, learn about how history, myths, legends, and more empower us. Using our storytelling skills, we create our back stories, the North Pole, and inform our characters. And all the skills we use as a storyteller (vocals, mime, improv, physicality, and more) are the same skills we use to bring our characters to life. Never want to run out of content? Become a great storyteller.

Room A 9A

Natasha Spencer-Coley Social Claus

Build your brand and increase your marketing reach by leveraging your social media channels. Participants will learn basic technical skills and will even create content during the session!

Room B 9B

Bill Quasa and Kevin Boydston Working with Children with Special Needs

The course will cover the highlights and provide practical steps to take to make these special visits more beneficial to the children and families, including tips on how to create special events for children with autism.

Room C 9C

Session 10 from 10:45-11:30 AM

Natasha Spencer-Coley Miracle on Diversity Street

Working with diverse populations may seem easy on the surface, but today’s kids require a nimbler approach. This workshop will be presented by an African-American Mrs. Claus with over 20 years of experience working with and performing for audiences. Participants will learn to work with diverse audiences from a culturally competent point of view, practice appropriate banter and gain tips on improvisation for children of all ages, and practice The Claus Standards with continuity of character.

Room A 10A

Ruby Wright Bringing the Magic for Guests of All Abilities

What does it take to create a “Sensory-Friendly” Christmas event? This workshop will define Autism Spectrum Disorder, describing a broad range of conditions, social symptoms, physical and medical issues, among other challenges. Then we’ll look at the qualities of sensory-friendly event including sensory differences, the importance of routine and predictability, and the ability to create an inclusive environment. To incorporate Santa Magic and the sensory guest, we’ll address common Santa sensory-related questions, ways to communicate with non-verbal guests, and general Best Practices.

Room B 10B

Derek Dugan Brand Yourself: What Does Your Logo Say About You?

What does your name, brand, or logo say about you? Have you ever considered the importance of a logo in portraying your persona and business? If you’re wondering whether a logo is necessary for your business, this workshop is for you! This informative presentation by Derek Dugan Creative will help you understand the good, the bad, and the ugly truth about logos. You’ll learn how they are developed, how they are perceived, and what they can mean to your prospects and clients. Plus, I’d like you to discover how logos can be instrumental in building your brand.

Room C 10C

Lunch from 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM
Break from 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM

Session 11 from 1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Robert (True) Seutter – The Art of Engagement: Bring the Energy

Bring on the fun! Engage your audience with Call and Response, Interactive songs and stories, dance, rhymes, and patter. From the smallest home visit to the biggest staged event, we need to be able to engage our audiences and create a sense of rapport and play. We’ll have tips on vocals, physicality, stage presence, character work, and much more.

Room A 11A

Lori Dinwiddie The Incredible Mrs. Claus

Attendees will be taught to help them find their special skill that they each have and how to use it to make their Mrs. Claus standout! Lori will present ideas on to gain confidence, how to sell yourself, marketing ideas, plus home party ideas to extend the season and make more money. We will also discuss finding “your look,” how to create costumes for each type of event, and develop your social media presence. Finally, we’ll look at home visits and how to avoid pitfalls.

Room B 11B

Doug Wright How to Create Magical Home Visits

This class showcases the things we do as Santa and Mrs. Claus with our home visit clients, typically a 45-minute visit for a group of 4-5 children. Our home visit includes an entrance, discussion of Santa’s reindeer, interactive use of props, and the Naughty or Nice list. The goal is to create wonderful home visits which will get you invited back, year after year.

Room C 11C

Session 12 from 2:30 PM-3:15 PM

Robert Karrick The Christmas Classic That Gave Us Santa Claus

Robert Karrick presents the illustrations in his review of Moore’s poetic imagery, as published in his book, “The Christmas Classic That Gave America Santa Claus.”Enjoy his recitation of “The Night before Christmas.” Learn to enhance your own reading or recitation, and if time allows, attendees can compete to recieve a copy of his book.

Room A 12A

Bill Himes and Jim Youker (North Carolina Friends of Santa) – How to Develop and Set Up Your Non-Profit

Using the story of the origins of the North Carolina Friends of Santa, we will give you the basic “nuts and bolts” to achieve your goal of becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and being recognized as such by the IRS. We will provide you with the startup information that is required of you at the Federal level, and to a smaller degree at the state level, due to each state having their own specific requirements. We will also share the successes and challenges we faced getting the NCFoS going.

Room B 12B

Megan Holmes The Power of Mrs. Claus: Brain Science of Stress and Calming Techniques for Children

As Mrs. Claus, you have the power to calm children down during the hectic holiday season. Did you know that in just three minutes, you can increase the connective neural fibers in a child’s brain by making them feel seen, heard, and understood? Join us for an interactive workshop where we’ll explore the neurobiology of stress and its impact on children’s behavior. We’ll cover effective calming techniques to use to help children and practical strategies that you can use as Mrs. Claus.

Room C 12C

Session 13 from 3:30 PM-4:15 PM

Derek Dugan What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 1)

Think a business card is enough? Are you looking for guidance on how to market your performer’s persona and brand? In this workshop, we will provide you with practical examples and strategies that can help professionals and novices alike to prospect, grow, and retain clients. This is an inclusive working space that caters to performers of all levels of expertise. Our aim is to help you bring the Jolly! (The workshop runs for two hours with a 15-minute break.)

Room A 13A

Lori Dinwiddie and James Dinwiddie – Santa and Mrs. Claus Working Together as a Team

How would you create a team back story? In class, we’ll discuss the importance of having the same answers as your partners and how to interact with each other to create a seemless rapport that is magical. We’ll also discuss how to get your clients to pay more and want Mrs. Claus by Santa’s side. Each attendee will be given the tools they need to walk into a classroom, home, or event and be able to answer all the questions tossed at us and how to spin a tale of wonder and Christmas Magic for all.

Room B 13B

Shirley Werner Reading Aloud to Children

Reading aloud to children is magic. Books can take children to faraway places. Books arouse curiosity and stimulate creativity. But reading to a group can present challenges, especially during the holidays: the lights, presents, and of course, a visit from Santa. This workshop will present tried and true strategies for getting and keeping children’s attention while reading to them, suggestions on how to include children in the reading activity, and how to make a book come alive as children are lead through an imaginary journey, exploring new people, places, times, and events.

Room C 13C

Session 14 from 4:30 PM-5:15 PM

Derek Dugan What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 2)

(Continued) Think a business card is enough? Are you looking for guidance on how to market your performer’s persona and brand? In this workshop, we will provide you with practical examples and strategies that can help professionals and novices alike to prospect, grow, and retain clients. This is an inclusive working space that caters to performers of all levels of expertise. Our aim is to help you bring the Jolly! (The workshop runs for two hours with a 15-minute break.)

Room A 14A

Genma Holmes Developing Your Christmas Brand

Genma will share pro tips she has used to create award winning branded materials and campaigns for Rotary International, The Ohio State University, MD Cancer Center, National Day of the American Cowboy, and other national known corporations and universities. Attendees will learn personal and professional branding and will leave equipped to help them stand out from a sea of red and white suits by capitalizing on their unique attributes that will attract better paying jobs and repeat higher end clientele.

Room B 14B

Doug Eberhart Developing Your Christmas Wardrobe

Description forthcoming

Room C 14C

Break – 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM
Banquet from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Charity Concert – Salute to the Stars: Kenny Rodgers, Dolly Parton, and Elvis Tribute Artists

(Proceeds to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital)

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Session 15 from 8:45-9:30 AM

Lori Dinwiddie and James Dinwiddie – Everything that Santa and Mrs. Claus Need to Know About Cookies

Check out the history of Christmas cookies, why we leave milk and cookies for Santa, how many calories Santa burns during his gift giving marathon, along with how many cookies and glasses of milk he requires to sustain him. We’ll look at Christmas cookies, their origin, varieties, and how to use the information to elevate an interaction during our season to become a life-long memory.

Room A 15A

Wade Moore IBRBS Membership Programs: Santa’s Heart and Scholarships

Learn about the Membership Programs of IBRBS.

Room B 15B

Tim Connaghan Surviving the Season

The Holiday Season is a time to be with family and friends and enjoy life. Why get bogged down with hundreds of things to do and then find out you have no time for yourself. This book, “Santa’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays,” will help you understand why, when the days get shorter and we lose some of our daylight, a bit of gloom can set in, and we sometimes stress out or get depressed as the holidays approach. It then gives you advice and tools to combat the gloom, showing you how to plan, organize, and handle all your holiday tasks, challenges and commitments, plus your day-to-day activities, and still have time for yourself to truly enjoy the season.

Room C 15C

Session 16 from 9:45-10:30 AM

Robert (True) Seutter – Storytelling: The Secret Ingredient

Christmas exists because of Stories. In this workshop, learn about how history, myths, legends, and more empower us. Using our storytelling skills, we create our back stories, the North Pole, and inform our characters. And all the skills we use as a storyteller (vocals, mime, improv, physicality, and more) are the same skills we use to bring our characters to life. Never want to run out of content? Become a great storyteller.

Room A 16A

Alice Fasig and Don Fasig – American Sign Language (ASL): Practice Use for Santa and Mrs. Claus

An introduction to ASL and interacting with deaf or hard of hearing children and adults for Christmas Performers. Alice Fasig is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) and grew up using ASL (American Sign Language) as naturally as English. She holds national CI (Certificate of Interpretation) and CT (Certificate of Transliteration) certifications from RID (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf). She’s worked for more than 25 years as an Educational Interpreter (all ages), taught beginning ASL classes (college level and at the local Deaf Services Center). And she’s been involved with the Santa community for the last 18 years.

Room B 16B

Coz Green Building a Professional Santa Brand

What is the difference between a part-time Santa and a professional Santa? Their brand. Companies such as Apple, Nike, Coke, and Wal- Mart have strong brands that separate them from their competition. Learn how to develop a powerful brand as a world-class Santa and make a greater impact on the communities you serve. Learn best-
practices from a 44-year professional entertainer and build your Santa brand to new heights.

Room C 16C

Instructors and Their Classes

Alice Fasig and Don Fasig
● 4C: Alice Fasig: American Sign Language (ASL): Practice Use for Santa and Mrs. Claus
● 16B: Alice Fasig and Don Fasig: American Sign Language (ASL): Practice Use for Santa and Mrs. Claus

Bill Himes and Jim Youker
● 12B: Bill Himes and Jim Youker (North Carolina Friends of Santa): How to Develop and Set Up Your Non-Profit

Bill Quasa and Kevin Boydston
● 9C: Bill Quasa and Kevin Boydston: Working with Children with Special Needs

Bryan Miller
● 6B: Bryan Miller: Setting Up a Virtual Workshop Carl Immediato (Santa Carlucci) and Jenny Lynn Claus
● 3C: Carl Immediato (Santa Carlucci) and Jenny Lynn Claus: Improving Your Market Share, The Carlucci Way Coz Green
● 16C: Coz Green: Building a Professional Santa Brand

Derek Dugan
● 2B: Derek Dugan: What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 1)
● 3B: Derek Dugan: What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 2)
● 10C: Derek Dugan: Brand Yourself: What Does Your Logo Say About You?
● 13A: Derek Dugan: What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 1)
● 14A: Derek Dugan: What’s Marketing Have to Do With It? (Part 2)

Doug Eberhart
● 14C: Doug Eberhart: Developing Your Christmas Wardrobe

Doug Wright
● 11C: Doug Wright: How to Create Magical Home Visits

Genma Holmes
● 5B: Genma Holmes: Creating a Digital Christmas Look Book
● 14B: Genma Holmes: Developing Your Christmas Brand

Howie Bristow
● 1C: Howie Bristow: The Essential Santa

● 7C: IBRBS Board: Meet Your IBRBS Board and Ask Them Your Questions

Joel Lagrone
● 7B: Joel Lagrone: More Than Music: “Til the Season Comes Round Again,” Using Music in Your Visits

Julia Kracke
● 6C: Julia Kracke: How to Stay Cool in your Costume: The Effect of Heat on our Portrayal
Larry Jefferson
● 5C: Larry Jefferson: How Does Santa Claus Prepare For His TV Interview

Lori Dinwiddie and James Dinwiddie
● 11B: Lori Dinwiddie: The Incredible Mrs. Claus
● 13B: Lori Dinwiddie and James Dinwiddie: Santa and Mrs. Claus working together as a team
● 15A: Lori Dinwiddie and James Dinwiddie: Everything that Santa and Mrs. Claus Need to Know about Cookies

Megan Holmes
● 12C: Megan Holmes: The Power of Mrs. Claus: Brain Science of Stress and Calming Techniques for Children

Megan Price
● 4B: Megan Price: The Santa Clause: What to Include in Your Booking Agreements
Michael Howe and Michael Beurer
● 5A: Michael Howe and Michael Beurer (The Kringle Brothers): Creating Magical Moments Using Technology

Mitch Allen
● 1B: Mitch Allen: Ho-Ho-How to Market Your Santa Business
● 8B: Mitch Allen: Creating and Delivering Great Home Visits

Natasha Spencer-Coley
● 9B: Natasha Spencer-Coley: Social Claus
● 10A: Natasha Spencer-Coley: Miracle on Diversity Street

Pamela McColl
● 3A: Pamela McColl: The Enduring Magic of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”
● 8A: Pamela McColl: Santa and The Pipe

Rachel King and Ronnie King
● 1A: Rachel King: Flying Solo as Mrs. Claus
● 2A: Rachel King: Working with Photographers and Creating that Photo Magic Together
● 6A: Ronnie King: Understanding the Modern DBS (Designer Bearded Santa)
● 7A: Ronnie King and Rachel King: The Duo-Solo Performance and Knowing What Your Client Wants

Robert Karrick
● 12A: Robert Karrick: The Christmas Classic That Gave Us Santa Claus Robert (True) Seutter
● 4A: Robert (True) Seutter: The Future of the Claus-Verse
● 9A: Robert (True) Seutter: Storytelling: The Secret Ingredient
● 11A: Robert (True) Seutter: The Art of Engagement: Bringing the Energy
● 16A: Robert (True) Seutter: Storytelling: The Secret Ingredient Ruby Wright
● 10B: Ruby Wright: Bringing the Magic for Guests of All Abilities

Shirley Werner
● 13C: Shirley Werner: Reading Aloud to Children

Tim Connaghan
● 2C: Tim Connaghan: What the Future Holds for You
● 8C: Tim Connaghan: Making the Moment
● 15C: Tim Connaghan: Surviving the Season

Wade Moore
● 15B: Wade Moore: IBRBS Membership Programs: Santa’s Heart and Scholarships